Witcher 3 toxicity mod
Witcher 3 toxicity mod

Dozens of new armots and weapons, tons of immersive addition to make you truly "feel" the game as never before. The Witcher 3 is available now for PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.Use this mod or the mod below. You can read more about the mod, and how to install it, on Nexus Mods right here. The mod also adds an expiration date to food, and redesigns food to last longer, but much less per second. If you overeat or overdrink that will also rise you fatigue level, and will start affecting your combat so be careful how much you eat and when.Fatigue is reduced by meditating, about 6 - 8 hrs to get form 100% to 0%.When reached certain levels of tiredness, you won't be able to perform certain actions like: sprinting, dodging, blocking, rolling, even running in the latest stages.Fatigue is generally connected to combat.

witcher 3 toxicity mod

Some stats affect it, but it doesn't affect them.Some food also reduce thirst like fruits but very little.

witcher 3 toxicity mod

  • Drinks reduce thirst, any kind of driink.
  • During combat you'll get thirsty a little faster.
  • Toxicity level also slows down thirst rising by a lot.
  • if not thirsty you will get additional stamina regen.
  • Being completely thirsty fully negates stamina regeneration!.
  • The less stamina you have, the faster it's gonna rise.
  • Thirst rises the fastest, but is also reduced by drinks the fastest.
  • Some drinks also reduce hunger ( like milk ) but very little.
  • Amount of reducing is shown in the tool tip of every food and depends on food quality.
  • the more toxicity and adrenaline you have, hunger will rise slower there fore drinking potion and being agressive in combat is more rewarding.
  • If fully sated adrenaline will deplete slower, and if hungry faster.
  • witcher 3 toxicity mod

  • if you reach critical levels of hunger vitality will slowly drain.
  • witcher 3 toxicity mod

    the less vitality you have the faster hunger's gonna grow.Vitality has the biggest effect on the hunger and vica versa.

    Witcher 3 toxicity mod